About us

Welcome to our online store, where we specialize in offering high-quality 3D printing filaments that cater to a variety of needs and preferences. We are proud to provide a range of materials and colors that are compatible with most 3D printers available on the market today.

Our story began with a need for a high-quality filament that could meet the demands of our unique application: air ventilation duct systems.

When we first started producing our air ventilation system using 3D printing technology, we struggled to find a filament that could deliver the performance we needed. We tried many different filaments from various manufacturers, but none of them could meet our high standards. We were frustrated by the lack of options available on the market, and we knew that we needed to find a solution.

We began to experiment with different materials and filament recipes to develop a filament that could meet the demands of our air ventilation duct system. We tried many different paths, experimenting with various materials, formulations, and production processes. It was a challenging journey, but we were determined to find the perfect filament.

After much experimentation and testing, we finally developed a filament that exceeded our expectations. Our filament was strong, durable, and resistant to the environmental factors that could cause other filaments to fail. We were thrilled with the results and the positive impact it had on our air ventilation duct system.

As we continued to use our filament in our air ventilation duct system, we realized that we had developed something truly special. We knew that other 3D printing enthusiasts and professionals could benefit from our unique filament, and we decided to make it available to the public.

We improved our filament recipes even further, ensuring that our filaments were not only functional but also eco-friendly. We also use sustainable cardboard spools that are packaged in vacuum-sealed bags with natural clay desiccants to ensure that our filaments stay dry during shipping and storage. We believe in doing our part to reduce waste and minimize our environmental impact.

Our commitment to quality extends beyond sustainability. We take precise measurements of the filament diameter during the manufacturing process to ensure that our filaments meet the highest standards. We understand that inconsistent filament diameters can cause printing problems, so we make sure that our filaments are reliable and easy to use.

We take great pride in offering high-quality, eco-friendly 3D printing filaments that help our customers bring their ideas to life. We are constantly innovating and improving our products to ensure that we stay at the forefront of the industry. 

Today, our online store offers a range of high-quality 3D printing filaments that meet the needs of various applications. We are passionate about helping people bring their ideas to life and providing them with the tools they need to succeed. We believe in the power of 3D printing technology to transform industries, and we are committed to making it accessible to everyone.

  • We strongly encourage children and schools to discover 3D printing technology. It's a wonderful opportunity to inspire creativity and innovation, and to learn valuable skills in design, engineering, and problem-solving. With access to this technology, students can prepare for the future while having fun and exploring new ideas.
  • We provide advices and tutorials that is crucial for those who are new to 3D printing. By sharing our knowledge and expertise, we can help others overcome common challenges and achieve success in their projects. We're committed to providing comprehensive resources that will empower our customers to achieve their goals and reach their full potential with 3D printing.
  • At our online store, we believe in providing our customers with the best possible experience. That's why we often include specimens of our products in the parcel, giving our customers the opportunity to explore new challenges and try new things. We want to inspire creativity and help our customers achieve their goals, and providing product samples is just one way we do that.

Thank you for choosing us as your filament supplier, and we look forward to serving you.