Privacy Policy and Cookies

Privacy Policy

1. Information about

1.1 This privacy policy made by NEST s.r.o., Záborské 431, 082 53; ID No.: 47 539 887, VAT No.: 2024065450, VAT No.: SK2024065450, company registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Prešov, Section: Sro, Insert No. 33632/P (hereinafter referred to as "filamentree") regulates the principles of processing of personal data of visitors of the website www.filamentree. (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), in particular its registered users (hereinafter referred to as the "User") and customers of filamentree who place an order through the Website (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer"). 

1.2 filamentree acts as a controller when processing personal data and thus determines for which purpose and by what means the processing of personal data will take place. 

2.   What data do we process?

2.1 Data provided by customers. At filamentree, we process personal data about users and customers. The primary personal data processed is the personal data that you yourself provide to us when you register on filamentree or when you create your order. 

2.2 This data includes in particular the e-mail address and, in the case of customers, the first and last name, address, telephone number, payment, login and identification data, information about the goods or services ordered, the contract and the performance of the contract. If you wish, you can also provide other data, such as your employment address or date of birth, or a note about possible delivery times.

2.3 Data collected through cookies. To better target advertising campaigns and improve our product and service offerings, filamentree uses information about the goods that our customers have purchased. If you have enabled the storage of cookies in your browser and agree to their use, filamentree obtains data about your visit to the website, the products viewed and other activity on the website.

2.4 filamentree does not collect or otherwise process any sensitive personal data including, for example, data about your health, religion or beliefs, etc.

3.   For what purposes do we process the data?

3.1 We use your name and surname and contact details to process your order, i.e. to fulfil the contract between filamentree and the customer. Data processing in this case includes all activities from the registration of the order, its processing, including payment and delivery of the ordered goods. The processing in this case takes place on the basis of the need to perform the contract and also the need to comply with legal obligations. If the data is not provided, filamentree cannot process your order.

3.2 filamentree primarily uses e-mail addresses for the offer of our products and promotion. In this case, the processing is only carried out on the basis of your consent to the processing of your personal data and the sending of commercial communications, which is entirely voluntary, and even if you do not give your consent, you can continue to make full use of our website/application. You give your consent to filamentree via the subscription form on filamentree. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking on the relevant link located in each commercial communication.

3.3 In order to simplify and speed up the ordering process at filamentree, we use your data that you have filled in as part of the registration on filamentree in your user profile or in a previous order. This data is used to simplify future purchases by pre-filling the order form. In this case, we process your personal, identification, contact, login and address data for the purpose of the need to perform the contract or the need to carry out the measures taken prior to the conclusion of the contract in the context of the management of your user account. The provision of this personal data in the user profile for the purpose of pre-filling the order form on your part is entirely voluntary and does not affect the completion of your order. You can delete or modify the data in the user profile or the registration itself at any time, see point 4. of this document.

3.4 For better targeting of advertising and promotions, filamentree processes data about website visits, products viewed and other activity on the website when using cookies. The processing is only possible on the basis of your consent to the use of the respective cookies. This consent is also completely voluntary. As a rule, filamentree obtains statistics, analyses and reports on the behaviour of website users on the basis of the data provided. On the basis of these, it is then possible to better target advertising or to tailor the content of the website to what you are actually interested in and what you are looking for, or to what is of interest to a larger group of users in general. In this case, the processing of personal data is generally automated. More information about cookies can be found below. 

3.5 To provide customer support, we use your name and email details, which you fill in before starting a chat with a filamentree employee in the relevant chat window on the website. By filling in the data, you consent to the processing of said data. We do not make any further use of your name and e-mail address on the basis of the initiation of the chat only.

4.   Withdrawal of consent and cancellation of commercial communications

4.1 Business Communications. filamentree users and customers may unsubscribe from receiving commercial communications at any time, by:

  • by clicking on the appropriate link located in the footer of each commercial communication; or
  • in the user account settings;
  • object to filamentree's processing of personal data by emailing or through the other contacts listed in this Policy.

4.2 Cookies. If you want to disable the storage of cookies on your device, you can change the settings directly in your browser. If you disable filamentree from storing cookies, some parts of the website may not work properly. For more information about disabling and deleting cookies, please see below.

5.   Who has access to the data?

5.1 In the first instance, personal data is processed by filamentree and staff. All persons who have access to personal data are under an obligation of confidentiality, and this obligation continues after their cooperation with filamentree has ended.

5.2 filamentree, as the controller, also entrusts other entities with the processing of personal data as so-called processors. A processor is any entity that processes personal data for filamentree for the purposes and in the manner specified by filamentree. Where your consent is required for processing, we only transfer data to processors if you have given your consent. We only transfer to processors the data that is strictly necessary for them to provide their services. The processors used by filamentree include:

Direct Parcel Distribution SK, s. r. o.
Google LLC (online marketing tools)
MailerLite (providing e-mailing)
Facebook, Inc. (online marketing tools)
Pinterest, Inc.
Comgate (payment gateway)
Upgates (e-commerce platform)

6.   How long do we process data?

6.1 filamentree processes personal data for the purposes of contract performance throughout the processing of the order, including payment and delivery of the goods. By law, filamentree subsequently retains some data contained in accounting documents.

6.2 Commercial communications are sent to users for as long as the consent to receive them lasts. In the case of customers, commercial communications are sent until unsubscription or until an objection is raised against the processing of your data for this purpose. However, the longest period for which commercial communications are sent is 10 years. After that, filamentree will ask for a new consent.

6.3 The data collected for marketing purposes via cookies is processed by filamentree for the entire duration of the consent to the use of cookies, i.e. for as long as you allow the storage of cookies in your browser or until you object to the processing of your data for this purpose.

6.4 Further processing of personal data beyond the above-mentioned time limits shall only be carried out by filamentree if this is necessary to comply with the legal obligations to which filamentree is subject.

7. What are your rights?

7.1 In connection with the processing of personal data, you may contact filamentree and request:

  • Information regarding the personal data processed by filamentree, the purpose and nature of the processing of the personal data, including information about the possible recipients of the personal data outside filamentree. General information about the personal data processing activities is contained in this policy.
  • Access to the data you have provided to filamentree, whether in the course of registering or creating an order. If you exercise this right, filamentree will confirm to you whether and what specific personal data is being processed and, where applicable, this data will be made available to you, together with information about its processing.
  • Correction of personal data if it is in any way inaccurate or incomplete. Only in the case of up-to-date data can filamentree process your order correctly.
  • Explanation and rectification of the non-compliant situation (e.g. blocking, correction, completion or destruction of personal data) if you believe that filamentree is processing personal data in violation of the protection of your personal and private life or in violation of the law.
  • Erasure of personal data (the so-called right to be forgotten) or limited processing of personal data if it is no longer necessary for the stated purposes or if filamentree no longer has a legitimate reason to process the personal data, including if you do not consent to its further processing. filamentree will delete your data in whole or in part if the above conditions are met.
  • Transfer of automated processed personal data obtained on the basis of your consent from filamentree to another entity, where filamentree will transfer your personal data in a commonly used format to you or to another controller according to your wishes.

7.2 Furthermore, filamentree customers may object to the processing of personal data in the case of sending commercial communications or evaluating shopping preferences, on the basis of which filamentree will immediately cease processing personal data for these purposes.

7.3 In addition to the aforementioned rights, you always have the possibility to contact the Data Protection Authority in the event of a breach of filamentree's obligations with a complaint.

8. Security

8.1 filamentree takes care of the security of your data. The handling of personal data is carried out in full compliance with applicable law, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). When processing personal data, filamentree places great emphasis on the technical and organisational security of the data processed.

8.2 All personal data in electronic form is stored in databases and systems that can only be accessed by persons who have an immediate need to handle the personal data for the purposes set out in this policy, and only to the extent necessary. Access to this personal data is password and firewall protected. The security of personal data is regularly tested by filamentree and we continuously improve the protection.

9.   Contact

9.1 You can contact filamentree by email at with any comments regarding the processing of personal data or to exercise your rights.

Cookies Policy
1. Introduction

This cookie policy ("policy") describes what cookies are, how we use them, and what your choices are regarding their use. Please read this policy carefully to understand our practices regarding cookies.

2. What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device when you visit a website. They are widely used to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

3. How We Use Cookies

We use cookies to improve your experience on our website and to understand how you use our site. We also use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features, and to analyze our traffic.

4. Types of Cookies We Use

4.1. Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are essential to enable you to move around our website and use its features. Without these cookies, services you have asked for, such as remembering your login details, cannot be provided.

4.2. Performance Cookies

These cookies collect information about how you use our website, such as which pages you visit and if you experience any errors. These cookies do not collect any information that could identify you.

4.3. Functionality Cookies

These cookies allow our website to remember choices you make, such as your language or the region you are in. They may also be used to provide services you have requested, such as watching a video or commenting on a blog.

4.4. Targeting Cookies

These cookies are used to deliver content that is more relevant to you and your interests. They may be used to deliver targeted advertising or to limit the number of times you see an advertisement.

5. Third-Party Cookies

We use third-party cookies to provide us with analytics, advertising, and other services. These third-party cookies may collect information about you and your online activities.

You can review third-party cookies policy here:

Google Cookies

Meta Cookies

Instagram Cookies

Pinterest Cookies

6. Managing Your Cookies

You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings. However, please note that if you disable all cookies, some features of our website may not function properly.

7. Changes to This Cookie Policy

We may update this cookie policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new cookie policy on our website. You are advised to review this cookie policy periodically for any changes.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our cookie policy, please contact us via contact page.

These rules are effective from 1.5.2023